Fire Department
Morgan Township’s 36 square miles is protected by a mix of full-time and part-time employee’s. The department has a very reputable training program and a very dedicated group of members.
The department has a private association that is open to public membership, this group is separate from the department but its sole purpose is to support the department. The association aids in the purchase of smaller items that the department needs immediately. The association meets on the <Interval> of every other month.
The department relies on money raised by levies to pay for operations, staffing, and equipment. If you have any questions or comments about the Fire Department or it’s operations, please contact us.
Station 141 was dedicated in memory of Chief Frank L. Tompkins for his 34 years of dedicated service to the community of Morgan Township.Morgan Township residents have a number of first-rate hospitals available to them.For emergencies, our EMS staff is well-trained, experienced, and has an excellent response time. When necessary, they work with Care Flight and Butler County Sheriff’s Office. All of these dedicated personnel have excellent relationships with the local hospitals and the specialized services they provide. The hospitals listed on the Area Hospitals page and these emergency response groups give added value and care to our residents.
Link to Community Risk and Reduction – Trainings (Stop the Bleed/CPR/AED)
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